Saturday, April 7, 2007

Happy Easter !!!!!!

Happy easter every-one. Due to constant moaning from my sister, I thought I better update my blog. Hope every-one is having a good and safe easter. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DESTINY and HOPA all the way across the other side of Oz. We are having a very quite one this year. My darling husband is doing up our poor deprived van. My kids have more food in the van then what's in our fridge. They prefer to supa save their food. Must taste beta when it's a bit crusty. Finally my faithful has new tyres, car radio ( tape deck as I prefer the old way's), and other machanical things. Should also have some photo's of the kids to send over to every-one next week. They took some really beautiful one's today at the studio. Had some taken before xmas but didn't really like them. Shazzy is getting unreal. I keep forgetting she's only 6. Her cousin Janessha is 9 yrs old and shaz is the same height. Cassidy is so quite and such a good boy, thanks to his mum spoiling him. See guys, motherly love does work if you can handle the grizzling. Shakira. My little parrot. Have to be careful wot you say to her in public. She loves to copy everything. Amber. Miss Amber is not the little baby anymore. I actually said to Neville that I think she has an anger problem. We can't even go shopping without her fighting with Kira and Cass. Poor Kira has a big bite mark on the side of her mouth. (hope it will disappear with time). Result of having them in the trolley together. Ask her not to do something and all you get is nahhhh. She also has a thing about poking or digging every-one's eye's out when their asleep. The phrase of sleep with one eye open. Well neva do it if she's in the house. Anyway be safe every-one and don't eat to much easter eggs.